zondag 31 januari 2016

Post Finland depression

Yesterday my Finland adventure came to an end, for now. Since I returned home to the Netherlands after 5 months of Finland. Now I have to get used to the Netherlands and it's weird costums. To top it all, my school here starts tomorrow!

Still it felt a little weird to be here again. I was totaly home in Finland and even cycling through the snow in -30°c was not that bad as it sounds, it was even fun. Because I always knew a nice and warm sauna was waiting for me. But now, no sauna, no snow and no Finns, just plain and simple the Netherlands. With all it's weird habits and traits. But well, they say it is home.

It is weird to talk Dutch all the time, since I am not used to use it all the time anymore. Especiallly in the last month in Kokkola I never spoke Dutch. It was mostly English and every now and then I even spoke Finnish. Since Kokkola has a lot of Swedish speaking people near, I even learned some Swedish. But my Finnish is still way better then my Swedish, although I'm still to shy to use it frequently. For now, it the Dutch life again. With cheap Ikea breakfast, hysterical conversations about all the things I did in Turku and Kokkola and everyone wants to see my new piercing. Also everyone wanted to know if I didn't find it cold here in the Netherlands. Ofcourse Finland is subtropical with -30°c and 25cm snow, but I think I can survive the Dutch weather, at least I hope. Otherwise we will notice it soon enough. My Finnishnis continues in weird ways, I don't wear shoes in the house, I tried to load my public transport allowance on my föli card, almost asked if Ikea had studend discount, my  mom had to remind me I had to prepare my own lunch for school since it is to expencive to buy it there. I also it feels weird I can't go to sauna for free. It feels also quite weird not to hear and see Finnish all the time. But I hope I get used to it soon. Luckily my family and friends help me to get used to the Netherlands again. For now it still feels I mis that little moomin valley up north.

You can get someone out of Finland, but you never get Finland out of someone!

woensdag 27 januari 2016

Woohoo Flu-u-u-uuu

My last week here in Kokkola and in Finland is surely not going unnoticed because I'm coughing all day and night. I have a mild flu. Although it is going better by the day, the coughing is just annoying as hell because. Like the wise Finns say: if sauna and alcohol doesn't help, you gonna die. So I go to sauna a lot lately and it helped me greatly. I'm gonna miss those wise Finns greatly, like the rest of Finland. But between my practical and being sick I have some time to mentally prepare myself again for life in the Netherlands in 3 days and the things I have to take in consideration:
  • Stores are clossed at sunday
  • I can't go to sauna every week anymore for free
  • I have to speak Dutch all the time again
  • If I say 'kiitos' no one understands what I mean so try to avoid that
  • Saying "mita kuuluu?" to a non-Finn doesn't work anymore.
  • Ei becomes egg again instand of no
  • If I want to say "yes", I have to say "and". (ja)
  • I can talk about sex out in the open and no one is ashamed
  • Every type of weather is bad, there is no nice or pleasent weater in the Netherlands
  • I have to face the wind again everytime I go outside
  • Opinions are everywhere, even if you don't want to know
  • Costumer services is unheard of
  • Cars won't stop for you if you want to cross the street with a bike or walking on a roadcrossing
  • All trafficlights have buttons which you have to push, but you don't wait for the green light.
  • No more cheap good and healthy student priced lunches for €1,28 at the school caffetaria
  • No studentdiscount anymore
  • I have to learn again to learn alcohol to be social, not to get completely wasted.
  • My personal space is gone, the Netherlands is to crowded to have descent Finnish one.
  • No more hearing of cute Finnish language where ever I go.
  • All adds on internet are in Dutch again instead of Finnish.
  • I don't have to explain anymore how Dutch social work education is divided into 3 parts.
  • Dutch school system makes sence once again.
  • If people ask how I'm doing they don't expect that I give a short summary anymore.
  • The moose magic is gone, the Netherland don't has mooses.
  • People don't understand the power of the mooses and how special it is to see them in the wild.
  • If there is a bright night, I no longer have to stare excited to the sky, because no nordic lights.
  • The Dutch are not Finns.
  • Perkele vittu saatana becomes godverdomme, kut or klote (not propper translations in all cases)

zaterdag 23 januari 2016

7 days to go, 7 tears to shed

I can't believe that it is only in one week my Finland adventure will come to an end. My time here in Kokkola litterly flew away, but in the end I was here one month. Also my exchange semester in Turku was one quick ride through awesome experiences. I became Finn among Finns, now it's time to prepare myself again to be Dutch in the Netherlands again. Because in no less then 10 days, I will start my final semester at my university of applied sciences. But with one week to go in amazing Finland, it's time to get a little sentimental.

One tear I will shed because it will be all over soon, and nothing more then awesome memory but not a blur
I will come back soon, thats for sure.

The second tear I will shed to leave all my friends here behind.
But we will meet again, because you were so kind

A third tear I will shed in memory of great places I visited; Turku, Naantali, Inari, Jokela/Tuusula, Kokkola, Helsinki, Hyvinkää just to name a few.
Some where completly new, others I already knew

Tear number four is shed of all the awesome adventures I had experinced while staying here.
Also it's a reason to come back, because there are more to withnes and not even mere.

The fith tear I will shed for all the amazing stories I bring back home.
Which I don't let untold by even one.

The sixth tear for all the people I met. Some became friends, others were just nice.
But in the end, they were all luckily included in the price

My seventh tear I tear I shed in happiness, because I will be back.
It is only my agenda I have to check!

woensdag 20 januari 2016

10 days to go in Finland, but 40 advises to make your life a lot happier!

With only 10 days to go before I leave wonderfull Finland, I have some lists for you about the culture of Finland and the Netherlands ^_^

10 reasons why Finland is awesome:
10. Snow is there every winter
9. Their Christmas is like no other, Santa Clause live there!
8. With 188.000 lakes there is always one next to you
7. More then 80% of the country is forest
6. The best place to be alone for a while, it is the lowest population density of Europe 14 persons/km²
5. You can camp every where you want, as long as it isn't in someone's garden
4. With 3 milion saunas there is always one up and ready for you to enjoy.
3. Because it is Finland
2. Mooses everywhere!
1. The best place to meet Finns and observe them in their natural habitat

10 reasons why Finns are awesome!

10. They have Santa Clause
9. Every folk who endure long and dark winters and long and shiny days deserve respect
8. They have a show which is nothing more than 2000 people shaking hands with the president, and its is a big tv hit every year in Finland. They even build a national holiday around it. That is awesome enough by itself. I wonder why they didn't sell the format to other countries. But then again it makes the Finns a little less awesome.
7. Without the Finns, you didn't even know what a mobile telephone is.
6. Finns are the only people in the world who master Finnish fluently. Be silent and learn from them
5. Thanks to them, moomins are known all over the world
4. They are the party animals of Europe and alcohol keeps them going to make them more crazier and funnier then you.
3. Moose
2. Sauna, they invented it and they are masters in it.
1. They are Finns Case closed.

10 places in the Netherlands you have to visit besides Amsterdam

10. The rest of the country --> Amsterdam is surely one of those cities you had to visit once in your life. But if you want to see the Netherlands skip this one and go for other cities and places
9. Keukenhof --> Lots of tulips and gardens overthere
8. Den Haag --> The Hague is nicknamed as the capital of justice of the world and for a reason, the internation criminal court is based here and also various other international courts can be found there. Also our goverment, parelement are there. This makes the Netherlands unique in the world because we are the only country in the world where the goverment and al related things are not in the capital. Also it is the living place of our royal family.
7. Maastricht --> We Dutch have the feeling we are abroad in this city, but it's still within our borders.
6. Deltawerken in Zeeland --> The delta works in the province of Zeeland keeps the Netherlands dry in storms and high water. It is seen as one of the modern world wonders.
5. Kinderdijk --> The Netherlands is famous for it's windmills, gues what you see there...
4. Afsluitdijk --> A road between a big lake and a sea, in the middle of it, you only see road and water
3. Veluwe --> Our biggest forest and the oldest piece of nature we have, it is the last remains of ancient forest in the Netherlands. But also famous the heathlands and sandgrounds
2. Valkenburg --> Same reason as Maastricht, but also with a lot of caves. They even have an aquarium inside a cave
1. Rotterdam --> Our second city, the biggist port in Europe and the second biggist in the world. Also known as Manhattan at the meuse and famous for it's architecture. Besides all this, Rotterdam has a modern citycenter because it was bombed in world war 2

10 ways to annoy/insult Dutch people. So avoid them in our presence!

10. Think we are a part of Germany
9. Mistake our language or our accent in English as German
8. Offer us medicine for our throat if we speak our own language. We can't help it if our language sounds weird in your ears.
7. Not being honest to us or get personal
6. Mistake one of our inventions for something Americans invented
5. Ask us if we live in Amsterdam (Or think Amsterdam is an independent country)
4. Demand from us that we are more polite then absolutly neccesary in our eyes. We think it is up to a person how much respect he/she gives to someone. If you want our respect, then you should deserve it and we will be polite accordinly. Demand it and we hate you.
3. Although we hardly admit it, we like Germans and have a big brother small brother complex towards them (check the map to know who is the big and who is the little brother) So only we are allowed to make jokes about them, no else! And that we like them now, doesn't mean we like them during second world war. (or that we are nazi's, just saying)
2. Don't knowing the diffrences between Holland and the Netherlands. Holland is 2 provinces in the Netherlands,  North Holland and South Holland. So the Netherlands are bigger then Holland and not all Dutch come from Holland. But in our turn to annoy you, some of us do and do not feel insulted and annoyed if you call them Hollander. The rest of the Dutch on the otherhand will.
1. Ask us if we are abroad if we have weed. That weed is tolerated in the Netherlands and you can buy it is special stores, doesn't mean we take it with us abroard because we are not stupid and know it is illegal in other countries. But if we have it with us, we don't share it with you. As greedy as we are. 

In case you are really intresting in the Holland/the Netherlands thing. I have a video for you to enjoy:


zaterdag 16 januari 2016

Door weer en wind

Today I realised that I have only 14 days to go and than another Finland adventure ends for me. Luckily I see my cute little lesbians befor that, so I have something to look forward to for the 14 days. Meanwhile I shouting: I'm not depressed, I'm not depressed, I'm not depressed, I'm depressed, I'm depressed, I'm depressed. So I decided to drove to the sea and jumped in it, heartattack assured. And there was I queueing up for the desk in the afterlife. When it was finally my turn, I noticed that all workers overthere were called St. Peter. But that was not importend I wanted to know if I could go to heaven, purgatory or hell. But St. Peter had a hard time to asses me, since I had a rather weird and strange life. After a brief conversation we both decided that it was best to make a brief tour through  heaven purgatoru and hell to see where if was fitted best.

We first arrived in heaven. It looked like it was build on cloud and the ground felt fluffy like. There was a bright blue sky adorned with fluffy looking clouds. There were also green lushes and forest. On a square like square they where preparing a bancket with golden plates and cutterly and silver cups adorned with jewels. A sad looking woman was playing harp. I noticed in an instance that there were not much people in heaven. When I asked why there are so few people in heaven and if there is nothing good in mankind anymore? Because most people over there where pretty old fassioned looking. St. Peter replied: no, but people forget to live in the moment, it is not importend to live your life in standards that others dictate for you, but you live your life as you wanna do. Everyform and thought in this is allowed as long it's makes you happy. If you find hope in a Bible, Quran or Thora it is ok. But it is also ok if you find this in another religous script or in none. Just do what you wanna do, but don't harm other. Don't do others harm but threat others the way you wanted to be treathed: with respect and dignety. People nowadays don't do that, they have to much expectations of others and speak ill of others. Silently I followed him, thinking how I would judge my life.

At purgatory there were more people. A small orchestra was playing happy music, but it's members looked depressed. It was still situated on a lush field, but with clouds hoovering above it like it could rain any moment. Also there was a wind, while everyone was sparsly clothed. The people over there were walking, not knowing what to do or where to go. In the horizon you could see the shades of an amusment park. So this could be a to bad place, in mater of fact it looked like a better place then heaven, although the suroundings where a little bit more depressive then the beauty of heaven. When I asked what you have to do up to end here, St. Peter calmly replied: if you are a doubtfull person who never can decid or is always on the backdrop, how can we judge you? You do nothing! We can afford an orchestra here because there are more persons doubting than taking descisions. This is not bad, so you don't have to be punnished, but you will also never archieve something. These are people who shout that problems need to besolved, but they do nothing to reach a solution. That is stuff for others, while sometimes you have to take responsibillity for situation. Because it always starts with you, if you see a problem than you have also a possibillity to become part of the solution. Even if your part is small. If you are to involved into matters, is also a bad thing. It is good to take care of your suroundings, but sometimes it is better to gave room for others. So they can do what they can do better then you. So you can do otherthings in which you are better than them. Choose your battles wisely and don't doubt to long. Then you mis life while it's passes you by. While we walked futher I was thinking if took responsibillities for the importing things and for my own actions and don't get involved in things that aren't my business.

Hell was the complete oppisite of what I expected. Of course the suroundings where grim, scarry looking mountains and peaks, red sky a hauling wind. Thunderclouds everywhere. But the people where looking happy and there where lots and lots of happy people. Also a lot of famous people where there. It was most crowded where David Bowie was playing and where Alan Rickman was doing some comidical poetry in his Snape or Marvin the depressed robot character. But he was also singing some songs from Sweeney Todd, and then the songs he had to sing for his role in that movie. I was confused, good music, great preforms and this is called hell. But if he could read my mind St. Peter said: Well first of all, a lot of people go here. So we can get the best artist to entertain a lot of people. Also, most artist deserve to go to heave because they give the world so much joy, comfort, hope and happiness through their songs and plays. But why should you entertain only a few if much others can enjoy your presences? Here they can do what made them happy in life, so they opt for doing also so after their life. Also you should not prejudge in what you can encounter in certain places. The worst places in your mind could be the best place for your heart once you are there. Don't prejudge on stories, but withness it with your own sences, your feeling, your seeing, your hearing, your smelling and your tasting. Then you can make your own judgement instead of thriving on the judgement of others. Give people and things a chance to prove themselfs. Everyone commit sins. Every day you make one. But remember you learn from mistakes and there is no better teacher in life then life itself. But in the end it matters how you deal with them. Because the only error one can make in life is making an error and not trying to correct it when you notice it. This set my thoughts in motion, how deal I with errors, prejustistments and how much do I trust own feelings and sences.

So boy what is gonna be? Heaven, purgatory or hell? This stopped my thinking and thoughts. I don't think I'm ready  for this kind of dessions I replied. I need some more time in the living world, I have too much do there and with 24 years old I'm to young to make this kind of dessions. St. Peter agreed luckily for me and he snapped me back in the living world.

And there was I laying in hole in the ice of the frozen Gulf of Bothnia. Surounded by Swedes and Finns wondering if I liked or not. Well I didn't like the cold of Tursulanjärvi and the Artic ocean, but hey I never jumped into a frozen sea. Once again I regretted that I was prusuade for doing so, but when everyone else did it, I wanted to try. Luckily the grandparents of one of the Finns lived nearby and we enjoyed sauna afterwards. It was an old smoke sauna which the grandfather proudly said his father build for his mother when they where married, because she was suffering from atrosis and the heat would helped her to beat it somewhat. since she had it at a very young age. The sauna survived two wars and was even older than Finland itself. The sauna was half sunken in the earth, but inside I could stand up although I should had grown taller. Each time we decided to take a rest from the sauna, the grandparents enjoyed the sauna, because they said you shouldn't let the warmth get wasted and in this manner everyone could enjoy the sauna. And man we did enjoy it. Even I didn't understand them that well, because they could only speak Finnish and a little Swedish the grandparents where very intressted in me because I came from so far away. Luckily the two Finns helped a lot in translation. Also the Swedes helped sometimes when the grandparents switched to Swedish. They where so extremely kind to even make dinner for us, salmon prepared the Finnish way. Spread on a wooden board while heated next to a fire. Normally this is done outside in summer, but because they haven't forgein guests every day, they maked an exaption and prepared it in winter ate the fire place. Although I was not the only foreigner, the Swedes where that also, I was threathen like the guest of honor. Because I came from so far away and Finland has also it's own Swedes so that isn't so special, to quote the granddad. But Finland hasn't it own Dutch, so that was special. Therefore In their eyes, Ï was also the first foreigner they ever met. Aside from the Swedes they met before in their lifes.

I was really touched by their hospitality and their kindnes. It proved for me that the languagebarier doesn't have to be an obstacle to understand and like people. I felt bad because I had nothing to repay them for the afford of heating the smoke sauna or preparing the food. But the grandmother said I paid them back with my compenay and that they met someone who lives normally 1500km away from where they live. I even thaught them to say hi, bye and enjoy your dinner in a foreign language and they felt blessed they could have this experience still at an old age. I think I'm not the correct person to argue with people who close to the age of 90, but live while they are still in their 70's. Then I can only hope I gain a healthy and happy life as they had and have. Not exepecting the big things in life, but cherish the small ones.

woensdag 13 januari 2016


I cycle through the snow when I go to the family center. I cycle through the snow when I cycle home. I walk through the snow when I do groceries. I walk through the snow when walking through the forest, city center or the nearby park. As you can notice, snow is a big part of my life here in Kokkola. It is also amazing to notice how fast I got used to the cold. -10°c is nowadays conciderd as warm for me. Especially if you know that at some point it was -30°c around here. So I have the feeling it is getting warmer and warmer if I see on the weatherforcast that temperatures around -10°c are comming for the weekend. This week it is around -15°c and -20°c in Kokkola so warmer weather is welcome. As long as it doesn't meld the snow away. I'm already too used to it and since we almost never have snow in the Netherlands, I would like to have it here in Finland before I leave.

Also it is funny to notice the diffrence in the perception of wind. For me as a Dutch Kokkola and Finland in general has almost no wind, only breezes and sometimes a windblast. In the Netherlands we have a lot of strong winds and more worsen windblasts. This makes that I hardly notice the wind and also put it in a diffrent cathagorie than the Finns do. The most funny incident was in Pietarsaari this weekend when a Finn was freezing in the wind and wanted to run through the city center and I was on sight seeing mode and let me be caried away by the beatifull scenery of snowed trees in the old part. He was constant complaining about the hard winds, which I really didn't notice. Well, of course I felt that there was some wind. But the trees where barely moving and the wind was really weak in my opinion. Now he dares me to go ice swimming with him and his friends in a lake between Pietarsaari and Kokkola, but I skip that one. I always regret when I jump into cold water, so he wins that one. He can't stand the wind like almost all the Finns, I avoid cold water in icy enviroments. Just wondering which of the two is the worst trait to have.

Meanwhile, I see on Dutch newsmedia and Facebook that the people are suffering of the slipperly weather they had there. Also the trainsystem colapsed and people complain about the cold 1°c. Of course I know it feels at least 5°c colder because of the winds we have in the Netherlands. But still it can not beat the cold which I had here in Kokkola. So I start feeling that I'm the tough kid now, even I wear a snowjacket, snow throusers and snowboots to beat the cold, I beat the bitch. I still cycle through the cold, the snow and Finnish complains about the weather, while the average Dutch complains about the weather (which is always too warm or too cold, too wet or too dry and too windy) and the whole public transport system slowley colapses every winter and still it always comes as a complete suprise the system doesn't function in winter (or in summer and mostly in the autumn and sometimes in spring). We have a few days of snow per year if we are lucky and we can't handle it. While in Finland life continues as normal, well as normal life itself can be...

But in secret I'm longing for summer, cycling through Finland with a summer breese. Wait a moment... I hate cycling, even in Finland. So maybe a walk is better or a cardrive to the unknown Finnish nature and continue hiking and sleeping in the car and continue hiking. Jup, I have to leave Finland soon, but I'm already longing back to Finland.

vrijdag 8 januari 2016


Today I realised, I've completed my first workingweek in Kokkola and I'm already gearing up for the weekend. Time flies when you having fun.

The familiecenter I have my practical training at the moment has been one awesome experience and I still have 3 weeks to go. Everyone is so friendly and intrested in me that it almost makes me blush. They even are that way when they don't speak English, but then I'm one of the first foreigner they encounter so that makes it special for them. Also the diffrence in work is quite intresting, but what is more intresting is actually the things that are the same. Then a place 1500km away and for 60% under the sea doesn't feel that far away anymore.

Also I had experienced real real winter here in Kokkola, -30°c with lots of snow. It was so funny to read all the Dutchies complains that it was cold with 3°c, I was thinking "bitches please..." but the everlasting wind makes it at least 5°c colderso they have the right to complain, nothing is worse than a cold wind. Not even -30°c and not even cycle outside through the fresh snow with -22°c. But I have to admit it was a nice experience, the knowledge that the freezer in my appartment was warmer than the outside temperature.

My social life over here also starts to develop, and the first parties are already planned this weekend. Typical me it is not with the 2 people who I share the front door with, no I start social life and interaction with other people in my appartmentbuilding, why do it easy if you can do it diffilcult. The fact they are a Finn, a Finland-Swede and a Swede makes it more easier. Why should you invest time in a guy from Camaroon who only hangs out with other people from Camaroon or other African countries and a Vietnamese porn addicted guy who has very (VERY!) loud climax. Speaking of which. I first met a friend of him, who I thought was the guy living next to me. But it was just a friend who didn't had an appartment because he forgot to prolongue his contract, so he is sleeping there untill he finds a new one. Later I met my real neighbour because he locked himself out, his keys were still inside, I came just home so I let him in. At least I thought, because my real neighbour is a very friendly Chinese guy who just arrived today. The guy from Camaroon I met when I came home and he expected a friend, the Vietnamese guy was still away, and he tought I was that friend. Since i didn't awnser him he came to check while I was unlocking my own door. Since he was under the shower when I came home I met him with only a towel own and soaking wet from the shower. So it is safe to say that the brief encounters where very intresting already and this promisses some intresting time here in Kokkola.

maandag 4 januari 2016

Byyyyyyeeeee Turku!

Dear Turku,

I just wanted you to say that I just arrived in Kokkola and installed myself, but I miss you already. All the fun and awesome things we experienced togethers is are now nothing more thana good and amazing memory.

I'm looking forward to spend my last days here in Finland in Kokkola, but still you are one of my biggest love in Finland. Helsinki is my biggist, but you have to admist that Helsinki is also bigger then you so it occupies a little more space. But still you are there too and I know for sure Kokkola will be my third finnish love, my heart is big enough for a third great friendship and maybe for some more good and everlesting friendships.

Still, I can't thank you enough for all the time we spend together and the amazing things we expirened together. Once again my Finland trip was memorable and it is partly thanks to you. I know I can end my Finland trip with a big bang here in Kokkola, but still. you did 80% now it is up to Kokkola to fill in the remaining 20% to make this a 100% succes. Thank you for all the amazing people you introduced to me. I'm proud to call some of them my friends.

But in the end, the honor and the plesure were all mine, as always.

Untill next time!

Yours sincerely,