You have happy Finns, sad Finns, angry Finns, scary Finns, cute Finns, hungry Finns, obese Finns, sporty Finns emotional Finns, rational Finns, gay Finns, lesbian Finns, straight Finns, bisexual Finns, asexual Finns, transgender Finns, intersexual Finns, city Finns, town Finns, countryside Finns, western Finns, southern Finns, eastern Finns, nothern Finns, snow Finns, sun Finns, water Fins, lake Finns, forest Fins, sea Finns, nice Finns, stupid Finns, crazy Finns, drunk Finns, sober Finns, male Finns, female Finns, androgyn Finns, living Finns, baby Finns, child Finns, youngster Finns, adult Finns, elderly Finns, dead Finns, immigrant Finns, emigrant Finns, Finnish speaking Finns, Swedish speaking Finns, cosmpolitan Finns, global Finns, national Finns, nationalistic Finns, socialist Finns, libral Finns, prograsive Finns, conservative Finns, religious Finns and common Finns.
So many diffrent kind of Finns and still the diffrent kind of Finns forget that they are all Finns. More importanly, they are all human. Me as citizen from gayloving and gayobsessed Netherlands find it still hard that gays, lesbians, bi's and transexuals are discriminated. YOU WERE THE FIRST AND TO DATE THE ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD WHO LEGALISE GAY MARIAGE BY PUBLIC ACTION, IT WAS YOU THAT GATHERED ENOUGH AUTOGRAPHS SO THE EDUSKUNTA (FINNISH PARLEMENT) DEBATED AND VOTED IN FAVOR OF A GENDER NEUTRAL MARIAGE!!! Please be proud of it. Of course I know the law that is gonna make it all possible comes in effect as of 01-03-2017, but victory was yours. In gayloving and -obsessed Netherlands only the parlement vote for the gender neutral mariage and it passes trough with a landslide, but no big action from the public was taken. And in the year that our current king and queen maried, we had our first mariage between two man and two women as first country in the world. That was 13 years ago. Since then we loved our pink fellow Dutchies so much, the Amsterdam pride becomes more and more of a national celebration. Of course we could do better at some points with gayrights, but all sexual varieties are generally accepted to the point we love them. Your friendgroup isn't complete if it not contains at least a gay, lesbian or bi, or maybe just one person you suspect to be that.
For a country that goes proud that you are so democratic and strong suporter of human rights, you have a way to go to accept also your own people and people who want to become like the Finns. It was in your capital in 1975 that for the first time ever in world history, leaders from all countries come to gather to talk about human rights. This event led to much fewer tensions in the cold war, OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) was formed. Venture on on the path that was made with de Helsinki accords and accept all varieties of Finns in Finland. You don't have to accept them (well eventually), but the least you can do is respect the LGBT Finns. And stop shocking Dutchies that you do. We come from a place where we can't imagine that LGBT are not accepted, although we know that in some very far away places, like Russia. But not in Europe, and undoubtedly not in Nothern and Western Europe.
And if this is all to hard for you: Well I hope you choke on Skittles
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