Today I did nothing but laundry, learning and complaining about my home university. Because things go not the way I wanted them to go, but schools do never that so I used to it. How anoying it is sometimes. I survived worser things and I think I'll I survive this as well. Lucky me is having nice memories of Kokkola, from which I returned yesterday evening. Those memories made me daydreaming all day long, because I'm really exited to go study there for a full month upcomming January.
Yesterday we had an relaxing day in Kokkola, the day before we went out and it went pretty late. So we all slept almost a hole in the day. After breakfast, we went in to Kokkola self to hang around for a little while and do some sightseeing. Kokkola has still some old buildings so it was nice to walk there. I can only dream of how it is with snow, then it must be almost looking like a winter wonderland. I really hope I have the chance to see that when I'm there in January. We also went to the park to see some history of Kokkola, because there is in a little house is still the only British ship in foreign posession. It is an old gunship which was captured by the Finns during Crimean war. The British are eager to get it back, but the Finns keep it on display in the English park. Which is actually the real name of the park, because of the British boat.
After the walk, we had lunch. After that, we visted the school were I will study in January and which was or is the school of all the Finns I know in Kokkola. There we also met the teacher, which I also know from the same international project I met the Finns in Kokkola and who will be my tutorteacher in January. During the tour, I was shocked that the room for tutormeetings was next to the teachersroom, so other teachers can intervine when it's necessary. According to the teacher, it happend already sometimes. This really shocks me, because it is a Universty of Applied Sciences and you can espect that they are not that violent. Also in the Netherlands this is something quitte unheard of. Of course we had some incidentes, but not that often. Also never that someone commited a schoolshooting like in already twice in Finland. We don't take precossions in case a student gets violent, because it almost never happens in the Netherlands. But unfortunally according to the teacher, it sometimes happens there. This saddens me, that it is possible. I'm not an inocent child, I have sometimes pretty hard and rough discussions with some teachers and I don't always agree with them. In frustration I can sometimes think that I will hit them, but I shall never ever do that. Because we are descent people and we can solve this with words, not with violence. Violence is never the solution to problems and it never will be. The rest of the tour was quite intressting and it gets me more eager to start there in January. I found it intressting that for some studies, they even have a practical placement at school where students and teachers can make use of like hairdressers, feet therapy and gymclasses.
After the tour we relived some good old memories from our international project and how life went on after that. But also about my studies there in January. Unfortunally we had to go quite quickley because me and my fellow Dutch student had a train to catch. He to Seinäjoki, which takes approximently 90 minutes. I had to catch the same train, but unfortunally I was 5 hours traveling for me to get back to Turku. So I arrived around midnight back home. With memories of a great weekend and with the prospect of being there again for a full month in January.
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