During my ever ongoing quest to learn all that is learnable about the Fins and Finland, I stumbeld on a article about guidelines for refugees.
The specific article stated that the produced guidelines about sex in Finland and what the refugees should know about it. Here is a quick overview of it: If you see a woman, don't drag her to the ground and fuck her, raping is a crime in Finland, women can only be looked upon but not touched, homosexuality is not a sin in Finland. So if you want to bang some one on the sidewalk or from a country where raping is legal, you have a problem in Finland. Also only looking to women is allowed, touching them can be illegal. But the guideline isn't clear on that one. Still I wonder in which country homosexuality is a sin and a godly power kills you for it... And I wonder why the guideline is so popular...
But the biggest question for me is: Why are Finns so obsessed with guidelines? You encounter them every where: your new appartment, in the social services point, shops, busses news papers and Ikea furniture. I almost get a guideline at the housing office how to use properly the bed, doors and chair. I wonder why. In happy Netherlands we ecpect that people know about our values if the flee to our country, the have to pass some to reach us... Also we are happy to explain them, but not to make guidelines. We prefere to tell a mother how her pregnancy will be then give her a guideline about it and a guideline how to be a good mother.
A typical Dutch shall reagard the sex guideline for refugees as cheap porn. Because why read about sex if you can discuss it in crowded places like busses during rush hours. But then again, we love talking a lot more then Fins. And we have no taboos with sex and we a very openminded about it. But if you give us a guideline about how to have sex we get a little bit uncomfortable. We rather discuss it in talkshows. Every written form of sex education remind is of dirty magazines like the playboy or the playgirl.
But it is good refugees have at least one choice when they have to run for their life and travel all through Europe while you searching for a safe haven: do you want a guideline of sexual behavior and ettiquette or watch a talkshow about it and have good discussion about it.
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