At my practical, I experience Finnish culture in the nornal life and I experience how the Finnish social welfare system works. I see how the Finns interact with each other and I also see how their food looks like, how it tasts and the eating etiqette. They eat a lot at my practical training, every 2 or 3 hours, so there is a lot of food. I get much influenced by them because everything is going the Finnish way. This means that we talk a lot of problems and everything is quite formal. Even tough Finns them self claims they are an informal folk. It is true that they quite easily switch to the use of firstnames. But with my happy Dutch view I still find them more formal then we are. Prehapes this is that Finns lack the skill of small talk and we Dutch are champions in small talk. Al talks are formal as hell, although Finns begin to learn them.
I know some cute couple who are good in smal talk, one of them can easely compete with the Dutch. Altough we Dutch have little to no taboo of subjects, as long as you time them right and bring them right. With this tabooless attitude she has a strugle and as often somewhat shocked but she is nowadays more used to it. But something that sometimes goes wrong when we hangout together, that is how we treat traffic lights. As a happy Dutch, I regard traffic rules as mere guidelines in case something goes wrong. So most of the time I draw my own plan and walk through red, to the great shock of the Finns who paticient wait till the traffic light goes green. They do even so when the street is empty like my wallet (I pay almost everything with debitcard) and I even cross the street when there is traffic, because there is almost always enough time to reach the other side when a car comes and otherwise they have breaks.
Another strange diffrence is between the Finns and the Dutch is that Finns really like there language. Even the teens listen to Finnish language music. In the Netherlands, only old and drunk people listen to Dutch language music. Even most Dutch artists sing in English, but not in Finland. There the artists who sing their own language and the even top the charts with it. In the Netherlands it mostly the end of your carrier as artist. Also the Finns are happy to learn you Finnish trough Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, etc etc. We Dutch learn as much languages as possible so we can avoid useing Dutch as much as possible. A typical Dutch speaks at least 2 to 3 foreign languages so we can avoid using our own when we are not with fellow Dutch. Also when a foreigner is around, we keep sturdley on to English and don't use Dutch in any circumstances. So if you want to learn Dutch, we won't help you because we find it annoying to here it. Try Finnish, Finns talk Finnish all the time and hardly notice that there is a foreigner is around. Also they are more then happy to help you, because they want to prove that it's impossible to learn. That is a lie, it is hard and strange but Finnish isn't impossible to learn. Think that even babies learn to speak it. And remember that in Finnish everything is pronouced as it is written. In Dutch you don't have clue how written words are pronouced.
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