woensdag 20 januari 2016

10 days to go in Finland, but 40 advises to make your life a lot happier!

With only 10 days to go before I leave wonderfull Finland, I have some lists for you about the culture of Finland and the Netherlands ^_^

10 reasons why Finland is awesome:
10. Snow is there every winter
9. Their Christmas is like no other, Santa Clause live there!
8. With 188.000 lakes there is always one next to you
7. More then 80% of the country is forest
6. The best place to be alone for a while, it is the lowest population density of Europe 14 persons/km²
5. You can camp every where you want, as long as it isn't in someone's garden
4. With 3 milion saunas there is always one up and ready for you to enjoy.
3. Because it is Finland
2. Mooses everywhere!
1. The best place to meet Finns and observe them in their natural habitat

10 reasons why Finns are awesome!

10. They have Santa Clause
9. Every folk who endure long and dark winters and long and shiny days deserve respect
8. They have a show which is nothing more than 2000 people shaking hands with the president, and its is a big tv hit every year in Finland. They even build a national holiday around it. That is awesome enough by itself. I wonder why they didn't sell the format to other countries. But then again it makes the Finns a little less awesome.
7. Without the Finns, you didn't even know what a mobile telephone is.
6. Finns are the only people in the world who master Finnish fluently. Be silent and learn from them
5. Thanks to them, moomins are known all over the world
4. They are the party animals of Europe and alcohol keeps them going to make them more crazier and funnier then you.
3. Moose
2. Sauna, they invented it and they are masters in it.
1. They are Finns Case closed.

10 places in the Netherlands you have to visit besides Amsterdam

10. The rest of the country --> Amsterdam is surely one of those cities you had to visit once in your life. But if you want to see the Netherlands skip this one and go for other cities and places
9. Keukenhof --> Lots of tulips and gardens overthere
8. Den Haag --> The Hague is nicknamed as the capital of justice of the world and for a reason, the internation criminal court is based here and also various other international courts can be found there. Also our goverment, parelement are there. This makes the Netherlands unique in the world because we are the only country in the world where the goverment and al related things are not in the capital. Also it is the living place of our royal family.
7. Maastricht --> We Dutch have the feeling we are abroad in this city, but it's still within our borders.
6. Deltawerken in Zeeland --> The delta works in the province of Zeeland keeps the Netherlands dry in storms and high water. It is seen as one of the modern world wonders.
5. Kinderdijk --> The Netherlands is famous for it's windmills, gues what you see there...
4. Afsluitdijk --> A road between a big lake and a sea, in the middle of it, you only see road and water
3. Veluwe --> Our biggest forest and the oldest piece of nature we have, it is the last remains of ancient forest in the Netherlands. But also famous the heathlands and sandgrounds
2. Valkenburg --> Same reason as Maastricht, but also with a lot of caves. They even have an aquarium inside a cave
1. Rotterdam --> Our second city, the biggist port in Europe and the second biggist in the world. Also known as Manhattan at the meuse and famous for it's architecture. Besides all this, Rotterdam has a modern citycenter because it was bombed in world war 2

10 ways to annoy/insult Dutch people. So avoid them in our presence!

10. Think we are a part of Germany
9. Mistake our language or our accent in English as German
8. Offer us medicine for our throat if we speak our own language. We can't help it if our language sounds weird in your ears.
7. Not being honest to us or get personal
6. Mistake one of our inventions for something Americans invented
5. Ask us if we live in Amsterdam (Or think Amsterdam is an independent country)
4. Demand from us that we are more polite then absolutly neccesary in our eyes. We think it is up to a person how much respect he/she gives to someone. If you want our respect, then you should deserve it and we will be polite accordinly. Demand it and we hate you.
3. Although we hardly admit it, we like Germans and have a big brother small brother complex towards them (check the map to know who is the big and who is the little brother) So only we are allowed to make jokes about them, no else! And that we like them now, doesn't mean we like them during second world war. (or that we are nazi's, just saying)
2. Don't knowing the diffrences between Holland and the Netherlands. Holland is 2 provinces in the Netherlands,  North Holland and South Holland. So the Netherlands are bigger then Holland and not all Dutch come from Holland. But in our turn to annoy you, some of us do and do not feel insulted and annoyed if you call them Hollander. The rest of the Dutch on the otherhand will.
1. Ask us if we are abroad if we have weed. That weed is tolerated in the Netherlands and you can buy it is special stores, doesn't mean we take it with us abroard because we are not stupid and know it is illegal in other countries. But if we have it with us, we don't share it with you. As greedy as we are. 

In case you are really intresting in the Holland/the Netherlands thing. I have a video for you to enjoy:


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